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Blog 6

David Wallace, the former CEO of Dunder Mifflin starts his article with a relatively cheerful tone as he starts to describe the Maine Lobster Festival and how the lobster business plays an important role in the respected regions economy. He starts with all positive remarks such as, the health benefits of lobster and how tasteful they are. He even gives a background on the origin of the name “lobster” describing it as a derivative of “locust” or “spider” from the Latin language. Once he is done laying out the joyous atmosphere of the festival and the importance of the lobster he takes a sharp turn. Wallace flipped the mood by raising the question, Is it ethical to cook a lobster alive? He explains how this has raised conflict with many animal cruelty organizations. He compares the lobster getting thrown into the boiling water, thrashing around, to a human who would have very similar reactions to the pain of getting boiled alive. I found the tone change in the article a little odd. It reminded me of the time I went to Casa Bonita all excited, thinking I am about to have the time of my life. This feeling stopped when I walked in. Casa Bonita is not as cool as it was in South Park. This article left me with a little confusion as I was a little mislead on the purpose.

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